Jesus's call to make disciples includes your students!
Meet the author
Linda Smith has been teaching Bible to people with disabilities for over 30 years. She served as Director of Disability Ministries with Vision New England for 17 years, and served with Joni & Friends New England for six years. Linda now serves with Young Life as Capernaum Director for the Boston South-West area. She also serves as Kelly's guardian, pictured above.
Watch a sample of the Matthew DVD here. You and your students will get to know Jesus better as you watch and then apply the stories from the Gospel of Matthew, covered in BeyondLimits 1
BeyondLimits is a 52-week Bible curriculum specifically designed for use with teens & adults with intellectual disabilities. Two volumes are now available!
If you've struggled to find material to use in a class or small group for students with intellectual disabilities--material that is spiritually challenging, yet concrete, practical and not dependent on reading skills--BeyondLimits may be just what you're looking for! Lessons are interactive, involving your students' senses, so that many learning styles are accommodated.
The Visual Bible Matthew DVD, used as the central teaching visual in Volume 1, will captivate your students as they watch dramatizations of the Bible lessons each week. Volume 2 uses the Visual Bible John DVD and the Jesus Film. But for all of us, discipleship is about more than hearing the truth; it's about applying truth to our lives. Salvation, Prayer, Worship, Witnessing, Obedience and Service are recurring themes and students are encouraged to apply God's truth to their everyday lives . Lessons include planned frequent interaction between your class and the larger church body, to intentionally incorporate people with disabilities into the life of the congregation.
BeyondLimits 1 is now available on a USB drive with lessons and visuals in PDF files. BeyondLimits 2 comes on a USB drive, with lessons and visuals both as Word documents and PDF files. You are welcome to print multiple copies of lessons so each teacher in your program has a copy, or to allow each teacher to copy material from USB onto his/her computer. We only ask that you not share it with another program but refer others to our website to purchase their own USB drives. DVDs for use in Beyond Limits are not included, but you can purchase them yourself at or on Amazon.
Lessons in both Volumes are written for laypersons and can be used both by experienced teachers and by those who are teaching students with cognitive disabilities for the very first time. Although lessons are designed for an hour time frame, they can be easily adapted for use in longer or shorter classes.
Download free sample lessons and read comments about BeyondLimits from teachers who have used it on the Samples and User Reviews page. Order products on the Store page.